Twoja ocena
Teodora robi karierę
Miejscowa kobieta (niewymieniony w czołówce)
The Foolish Forties
- 1931
College Cuties
- 1930
Love Spats
- 1929
Dear Vivian
- 1929
Ladies' Choice
- 1929
Single Bliss
- 1929
Gobs of Love
- 1928
Goofy Ghosts
- 1928
Should Scotchmen Marry?
- 1928
Hot Scotch
- 1928
Picture My Astonishment
- 1928
- 1928
Hold 'Er Cowboy
- 1928
Slick Slickers
- 1928
Dr. Quack
- 1927
A Moony Mariner
- 1927
French Fried
- 1927
Swiss Movements
- 1927
Wedding Wows
- 1927
Society Breaks
- 1927
A Gay Deceiver
- 1917
Hubby's Night Out
- 1917
Suspended Sentence
- 1917
The Milky Way
- 1917
Those Wedding Bells
- 1917
A Lucky Slip
- 1917
A Bold, Bad Knight
- 1917
Small Change
- 1917
Almost a Scandal
- 1917
Father's Bright Idea
- 1917
Kidding Sister
- 1917
Five Little Widows
- 1917
His Wedding Night
- 1916
By the Sad Sea Waves
- 1916
The Wooing of Aunt Jemima
- 1916
The Browns See the Fair
- 1916
His Baby
- 1916
Inoculating Hubby
- 1916
That Doggone Baby
- 1916
Dad's Masterpiece
- 1916
Nearly a Hero
- 1916
Some Kid
- 1916
Cupid's Uppercut
- 1916
Good Night, Nurse
- 1916
Never Lie to Your Wife
- 1916
Her Hero Maid
- 1916
Eddie's Night Out
- 1916
A Leap Year Tangle
- 1916
He Almost Eloped
- 1916
The Janitor's Busy Day
- 1916
Mixed Kids
- 1916
The Making Over of Mother
- 1916
Twixt Love and the Iceman
- 1916
Seminary Scandal
- 1916
With Father's Help
Matka Billie
- 1915
It Happened on Friday
- 1915
Taking Her Measure
- 1915
A One Cylinder Courtship
- 1915
Father's Lucky Escape
- 1915
A Looney Love Affair
- 1915
Those Kids and Cupid
- 1915
His Wife's Husband
- 1915
All in the Same Boat
Pani Dillpickle
- 1915
When Ursus Threw the Bull
- 1914
What a Baby Did
- 1914
When Eddie Went to the Front
- 1914
Cupid's Close Shave
- 1914
The Girls and Dad
- 1913
The Girl Ranchers
- 1913
When Cupid Won
Jenny Simpkins
- 1913
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