Zdjęcia 1
Twoja ocena
Tire Trouble
J. William McAllister
- 1924
Safe and Sane
- 1924
The Dramatic Life of Abraham Lincoln
- 1924
The Delicious Little Devil
Pat McGuire
- 1919
Know Thy Wife
Ojciec Boba Browninga
- 1918
Love and Locksmiths
- 1917
Down by the Sea
- 1917
Oh, for a Wife!
- 1917
A Gay Deceiver
- 1917
Black Hands and Soapsuds
- 1917
Her Friend, the Chauffeur
- 1917
Suspended Sentence
- 1917
A Lucky Slip
- 1917
A Bold, Bad Knight
- 1917
Won in a Cabaret
- 1917
Lonesome Luke, Lawyer
- 1917
A Smoky Love Affair
- 1917
Father Was Right
- 1917
Indiscreet Corinne
Pan Cotter Brown
- 1917
Betty's Big Idea
- 1917
Five Little Widows
- 1917
Her Husband's Wife
- 1916/II
His Friend, the Elephant
- 1916
His Wedding Night
- 1916
By the Sad Sea Waves
- 1916
Lovers and Lunatics
- 1916
The Boy the Girl and the Auto
- 1916
The Disappearing Groom
- 1916
The Wooing of Aunt Jemima
- 1916
Love and Brass Buttons
- 1916
His Baby
- 1916
Inoculating Hubby
- 1916
That Doggone Baby
- 1916
Dad's Masterpiece
- 1916
Nearly a Hero
- 1916
A Brass-Buttoned Romance
- 1916
When Clubs Were Trumps
- 1916
Cupid's Uppercut
- 1916
His Neighbor's Wife
- 1916
Good Night, Nurse
- 1916
Never Lie to Your Wife
- 1916
A Leap Year Tangle
- 1916
He Almost Eloped
- 1916
The Janitor's Busy Day
- 1916
Wanted: A Husband
- 1916
Twixt Love and the Iceman
- 1916
A Mixed Up Elopement
- 1915
When Cupid Crossed the Bay
- 1915
With Father's Help
Ojciec Billie
- 1915
When Father Had the Gout
- 1915
The Tale of His Pants
- 1915
Molly's Malady
- 1915
Down on the Farm
- 1915
A One Cylinder Courtship
- 1915
Father's Lucky Escape
- 1915
A Looney Love Affair
- 1915
When Father Was the Goat
- 1915
Mrs. Plum's Pudding
- 1915
Those Kids and Cupid
- 1915
When Their Dads Fell Out
- 1915
A Maid and a Man
- 1915
All in the Same Boat
Ojciec Billie
- 1915
When Eddie Went to the Front
- 1914
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